Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Find the perfect model color match for you customs!!!!

So with the new City Commander Armor coming out which I pre-ordered. I realized I still don't have a ultra Magnus. I've picked a regular classics Optimus prime($5 buck and massive paint wear Woot!!) from the boards that I plan on repaint into Ultra Magnus with a few changes here and there.

I couldn't find the right color off hand to match the light blues on UM, so I did some searching for color matching program.I came across two of them that you would need to find the best match for a model paint across various different lines. Don't worry they are both free and cost nothing.

The first programs is here: This program let you type in the (RGB) Red,Blue,and Green values that you can get from pics using the dropper color selecting tool in most Photo manipulating programs like Paint and Photoshop.

For example: Red: 97
Green: 174
Blue: 242

You add these values in and click the "RBG->" button and it will give you a Hex(hexadecimal) notation number. Which I believe are sometimes printed on the side of paint cans and jars.

Example: #61AEF2

You then take this number and go here:
Enter the Hex number and enter it in the "HEX RGB" Input space and click the submit Query button and it should give you a couple different matches. And you can set to find specific types of paint such and or enamels and acrylics.

Niffty little programs!!!

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